Apply for jobs on multiple job websites with a strong cover letter as well as searching for your target companies and sending them emails speculatively. He has the grades but no work experience.
Resume Templates
Student cv template part time job. Part time job resume example for a teenager. Five of the best paying summer jobs. Cv for part time jobs example 2 student the part time job cv example above will give you a good idea of what your finished cv should look like. Want to highlight your work experience and career progression. Using your student cv template. Student resume examples and templates for high school students college students and recent graduates seeking employment.
You can gather some ideas and inspiration from the cvs below which have been made by successful applicants. Five of the best paying part time jobs. If you are a student whether you are in secondary school or college it is unlikely that you have a detailed work history to fall back on when applying for jobsas a result in your student cv you will need to place a greater emphasis on your educational achievements and skills if you wish to further your career. You can learn how to write a cover letter with my detailed guide. Once youve written a winning student cv its time to start landing interviews. Volunteering work experience placements and even temporary positions are all good ways of adding selling points to your cv.
Write an impressive cv for part time job opportunities. Therefore seeking a part time job in a retail setting seems to be the safest option. A lesson in getting an interview. It should reflect your education history work experience hobbies and interests. The application process for part time jobs can be just as competitive as it is for full time positions. It pinpoints the candidates transferable skills and competencies from various roles and is structured in a way which looks professional and organised.
Are progressing to a higher level role. Download the part time job resume template compatible with google docs and word online. Work focused cv example word 27kb work focused cv example pdf 04mb work focused cv template word 26kb work focused cv template pdf 04mb. School leaver cv cv with no job experience joseph has finished his gcses and is now thinking of writing his very first school leaver cv. Five of the best part time jobs for students education. Sometimes even more so.
For certain roles covering your education is just as important as your work history. Are changing to a similar job. When companies hire part time staff theyre looking for flexibility someone they can depend on and a person who will really fit in with their companys culture. Your cv or resume is the first thing an employer will look at in your application. Whether you have no work experience or a few part time jobs use these samples to create your resume as a high school student or recent graduate. The following is a resume for a teenager seeking a part time job or internship that involves working with children.
Use our work focused cv template if you.